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I Didn’t Learn to Drive by Reading the Manual
I remember that day like it was yesterday. The click of the camera, the awful picture, the waiting for what seemed like hours and finally, that moment where I was handed, still hot off the lamination machine, freedom, emancipation, liberation – or as you may call it, a driver’s license! That was one of the […]
Organizational Transformation Barrier: Corporate Security Policies
The Barrier This is the first post in the ‘Barriers to Organizational Transformation’ series and it is the Friday before Memorial Day so I thought I’d start with something light but important: Those corporate security policies that disallow openly displaying information on walls, hallways, etc.   The Effect As you can imagine, the problem with […]
“Selflessness gives one center. Center creates order. When there is order, there is little to do.”   From the Tao of Leadership by John Heider, adapted from the teachings of Lao Tzu