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Stabilize The Patient First
So, I was watching one of those Trauma in the ER shows, and one phrase kept coming up: “We need to stabilize the patient before we can do anything else.” It makes me glad that some of us software developers didn’t go into medicine.  If we treated patients the way we treat our code, well, […]
Does Testing Add Value?
My simple answer: “No, it does not.” Ok, before you get your nickers in a twist, I am not saying you should get rid of the Q/A team or ship a product that’s hanging together by dental floss. On the contrary, we should always ship a product of the highest quality. But despite that, I […]
ScrumMasters are not Task Masters
It always bewilders me to think about the amount of teams out there who designate the ScrumMaster as a ‘Task Master’. In these teams, the ScrumMaster’s role is often seen as that of an administrator. This ScrumMaster schedules, plans and runs the meetings, including the Daily Scrum.    His job is to make sure all the […]
Q & A is Part of the Team
It is almost guaranteed that when I work with new organizations, one of the first questions that comes up is “How does the development organization work with the Q/A organization?” This question is a stinker. A seemingly simple question actually is pointing out much deeper organizational issues that go beyond testers to how we see […]
I Didn’t Learn to Drive by Reading the Manual
I remember that day like it was yesterday. The click of the camera, the awful picture, the waiting for what seemed like hours and finally, that moment where I was handed, still hot off the lamination machine, freedom, emancipation, liberation – or as you may call it, a driver’s license! That was one of the […]
Empowerment Doesn’t Mean Anarchy
One of the most misinterpreted and misapplied terms in our Industry is the term ‘empowered’. I hear it used over and over from organizations that are new to Agile concepts and have usually know just enough to be dangerous – and dangerous they become. Although I’ve seen this term misapplied in many different roles, it […]
Transforming a Traditional Manager Into an Agile Manager
Many pundits preach that the agile organization will not have managers – that teams will self-manage and can carry out all responsibilities of traditional functional management. This includes HR responsibilities, major conflict disputes, etc. “The team is self-managing, which includes all management responsibilities,” or so I keep hearing. Call me a heretic, but I’ve never […]
ScrumMasters are Change Agents
Anyone who knows me knows that I love ScrumMasters.  My family had to get used to the idea of being second in line, but they’ll get over it.  Why the love affair? Simple.  They are the organization’s change agents!  Their #1 role is to continuously create positive changes.  (FYI, if you thought that the role […]
“Selflessness gives one center. Center creates order. When there is order, there is little to do.”   From the Tao of Leadership by John Heider, adapted from the teachings of Lao Tzu